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Using A Donation Button In Your Blog:

Another thing you can consider to make money from your blog isto ask for donations. This method is not for everyone, but if your blogprovides information to readers, especially if this information is notreadily available in a free format, readers will not have a problemdonating.

If your blog is opinion based, you may not get as much of aresponse, but it can still be worth a shot. Likewise, if your blog ismonetized with many other advertising and affiliate opportunities,readers will be less inclined to make donations.

You may want to consider giving readers a way to donate if yourblog is just starting out and you offer information of value to yourreaders. If you do not have a huge readership, donations may be agood way to make enough income to continue your blog until you canutilize other monetization methods that require more traffic.

You may have dismissed donations on your blog because itseems tacky or dishonest, but many bloggers rely on donations for allor part of their income. Your time is valuable, and unless you arehappy to write simply as a hobby and not get paid, you have to startsomewhere.
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